Practical usage of useAsyncData, useLazyAsyncData and useFetch composables in Nuxt 3

Published on: 2024-06-24

Nuxt 3 brings a powerful set of features to streamline the development of Vue.js applications. Among these, data fetching composables such as useAsyncData, useLazyAsyncData, and useFetch are essential tools. Understanding when to use each can greatly enhance the performance, SEO, and user experience of your application/website.

Understanding Nuxt 3 Data Fetching

Data fetching is a critical aspect of building dynamic web applications. In Nuxt 3, it allows you to retrieve data from APIs or other sources and make it available to your components, enabling seamless integration and interactivity.

What is useAsyncData?

useAsyncData is a composable in Nuxt 3 designed for fetching asynchronous data during server-side rendering or client-side hydration. It provides a straightforward way to fetch data and handle loading and error states.

useAsyncData blocks navigation until its async handler is resolved.

const { data, error } = await useAsyncData("key", () =>
  fetch("").then((res) => res.json())

Benefits of useAsyncData

  • Server-Side Rendering: Ensures data is fetched before rendering, improving SEO and initial load time.
  • Automatic Caching: Caches responses to avoid redundant requests.
  • Error Handling: Built-in mechanisms for managing errors.

Common Scenarios for useAsyncData

  • Initial Page Load: Fetching data required for rendering a page.
  • Static Site Generation: Pre-fetching data for static site generation (SSG).

Advanced Usage

The useAsyncData composable offers several advanced features and options:

Handling Reactive Parameters: You can automatically re-fetch data when reactive parameters change using the watch option.

<script setup lang="ts">
const page = ref(1);
const { data: posts } = await useAsyncData(
  () => $fetch('', {
    params: {
      page: page.value
  }), {
    watch: [page]

Using Options for Fine Control

  • Server-Side Fetching: Control whether data should be fetched on the server-side.
  • Lazy Loading: Fetch data after loading the route. Immediate Execution: Prevent immediate request firing if needed.
  • Default Values: Provide default values before the async function resolves.
  • Data Transformation: Modify the result of the handler function.
  • Custom Caching: Use a custom function to provide cached data.


const { data, pending, error, refresh, clear } = await useAsyncData(
  () => $fetch(""),
    server: true,
    lazy: false,
    immediate: true,
    default: () => [],
    transform: (res) =>,
    getCachedData: (key) => customCache[key],
    watch: [someReactiveSource],
    pick: ["title", "description"],

Return Values

  • data: The result of the asynchronous function.
  • pending: A boolean indicating whether the data is still being fetched.
  • refresh/execute: A function to refresh the data.
  • error: An error object if the data fetching failed.
  • status: A string indicating the status of the data request ("idle", "pending", "success", "error").
  • clear: A function to reset the data, error, and status.

By leveraging useAsyncData, you can ensure efficient and effective data fetching for your Nuxt 3 applications, optimizing both performance and user experience.

What is useLazyAsyncData?

useLazyAsyncData is similar to useAsyncData but fetches data lazily, meaning it only initiates the fetch when needed. This can be useful for performance optimization.

useLazyAsyncData provides a wrapper around useAsyncData that triggers navigation before the handler is resolved by setting the lazy option to true.

const { data, error } = useLazyAsyncData("key", () =>
  fetch("").then((res) => res.json())

Benefits of useLazyAsyncData

  • Lazy Loading: Defers data fetching to improve initial load time.
  • Optimized for Interaction: Fetches data when the user interacts with the component.

Common Scenarios for useLazyAsyncData

  • User Interactions: Fetching data in response to user actions (e.g., clicking a button).
  • Non-Critical Data: Data that is not immediately required for initial render.

Example Usage

Use useLazyAsyncData in a component to defer data fetching until the component is interacted with or displayed.

<script setup lang="ts">
const { pending, data: count } = await useLazyAsyncData('count', () => $fetch('/api/count'));

watch(count, (newCount) => {
  // Because count might start out null, you won't have access
  // to its contents immediately, but you can watch it.

    {{ pending ? 'Loading' : count }}

By using useLazyAsyncData, you can enhance the performance of your Nuxt 3 application by deferring non-critical data fetching until it is actually needed, providing a snappier user experience.

What is useFetch?

useFetch is a versatile composable for fetching data, offering both server-side and client-side capabilities. It combines the power of useAsyncData and $fetch to provide a seamless experience for data fetching in Nuxt 3. With useFetch, you can perform straightforward data fetching with minimal overhead, making it a great choice for simple fetch operations.

const { data, error } = await useFetch("");

Benefits of useFetch

  • Simplicity: Easier to use for basic data fetching needs.
  • Flexibility: Works seamlessly on both server-side and client-side.
  • SSR-Friendly: Automatically adds responses to the Nuxt payload, preventing re-fetching on the client-side during page hydration.
  • Type Safety: Provides type hints based on server routes and infers API response types.

Common Scenarios for useFetch

  • Simple Fetch Operations: Fetching data without the need for complex handling.
  • Reactivity: Making use of Vue's reactivity system for live data updates.
  • Server-Side Rendering: Ensuring data is available during server-side rendering and passed to the client efficiently.

Advanced Usage

The useFetch composable can be enhanced with various options and interceptors for more complex scenarios:

Adding Query Parameters

const param1 = ref("value1");
const { data, error } = await useFetch("/api/modules", {
  query: { param1, param2: "value2" },
// Results in

Using Interceptors

const { data, error } = await useFetch("/api/auth/login", {
  onRequest({ request, options }) {
    options.headers = options.headers || {};
    options.headers.authorization = "Bearer ...";
  onRequestError({ request, options, error }) {
    console.error("Request Error:", error);
  onResponse({ request, response, options }) {
    localStorage.setItem("token", response._data.token);
  onResponseError({ request, response, options }) {
    console.error("Response Error:", response);

Comparing useAsyncData, useLazyAsyncData, and useFetch

Each of these composables has its unique strengths and use cases:

  • useAsyncData: Best for initial data fetching with server-side support.
  • useLazyAsyncData: Ideal for deferring data fetching until necessary.
  • useFetch: Great for simple, straightforward data fetching scenarios.

Best Practices

  • Minimize Fetch Calls: Avoid redundant data fetching to improve performance.
  • Handle Errors Gracefully: Ensure your application can handle and display errors appropriately.
  • Leverage Caching: Use caching mechanisms to reduce load times and server strain.
  • Understand the Lifecycle: Know when to use server-side vs client-side fetching to optimize data handling and rendering.

By leveraging useFetch in your Nuxt 3 application, you can simplify data fetching while maintaining flexibility and performance.


What is the main difference between useAsyncData and useLazyAsyncData?

useAsyncData fetches data during server-side rendering (SSR) or hydration, ensuring that data is available before the page is rendered. In contrast, useLazyAsyncData fetches data lazily, initiating the fetch on demand during client-side interactions.

Can useFetch be used for server-side rendering?

Yes, useFetch can be used for both server-side and client-side data fetching, making it a versatile choice for various scenarios. It is SSR-friendly and ensures data is fetched efficiently without re-fetching during client-side hydration.

How do these composables affect SEO?

  • useAsyncData: Improves SEO by ensuring data is available during SSR, allowing search engines to - index fully rendered pages.
  • useLazyAsyncData: Has less impact on SEO as it fetches data post-render, typically based on user interactions.
  • useFetch: Can be SEO-friendly when used in SSR contexts, ensuring data is available during initial rendering.

Which composable should I use for fetching data on user interaction?

useLazyAsyncData is ideal for fetching data based on user interactions, as it defers the data fetch until it is needed, enhancing performance and user experience.

Are these composables compatible with Vue 3's reactivity system?

Yes, all these composables leverage Vue 3's reactivity system, making data fetching and state management seamless and reactive.

Is it possible to use these composables with external libraries like Axios?

Absolutely, you can use Axios or other libraries to enhance the data fetching capabilities of these composables. Simply integrate Axios within the handler functions to manage data requests effectively.


Understanding when to use useAsyncData, useLazyAsyncData, and useFetch in Nuxt 3 can significantly enhance your application's performance and SEO. By leveraging these composables appropriately, you can ensure efficient data fetching, improved user experience, and optimized web performance.

Web Development