about me _

Let me introduce myself, my workflows, my work experience, and the technologies I'm passionate about.

Dulan Hewage

Hi, I'm Dulan 👋 A self-motivated Full-Stack Engineer.

I have over 6 years of experience in frontend development, including 2 years in backend development.

I thrive on solving complex problems and am driven by a continuous desire to discover new learning curves.

I excel at building state-of-the-art web apps, highly reusable component libraries, frameworks, design systems, and backends.

Skills and Technologies

Here are some of the technologies I've worked with recently.

Currently, I'm learning Three.js and physics based animations for web.


I've worked with a range of companies, from startups to medium-sized tech companies.

Hobbies & Interests

When I'm not at work, you'll find me strumming guitar strings, programming bots, or capturing moments through the lens.